Writers Prompts

The Week That Was

I invite you to reflect on the past week. Make a list of the best moments this week—three is a minimum. Pick one and describe it in detail. Try to relive it as much as possible: what were you wearing? What did you smell? What did you think about? Reposted from fellow organiser Gal Podjarny’s…

Memories of the way we were

“I suspect that everything we remember has symbolic meaning, is re-delivered to us as a suggestion, a lesson, a reminder, or else perhaps a haunting, a ghost consigned to the human realm until it completes some bit of unfinished business.” —Melissa Febos, Body Work (p. 117). Today, I invite you to think about memories. Write…

What do you take for granted?

I’ve been thinking lately about assumptions. Interrogating assumptions is scary. What if they’re wrong? But that doesn’t have to be the conclusion. Some assumptions I look at and say, yeah, ok, that sounds about right. Being conscious of our assumptions doesn’t mean we have to test them all the time. Just that we know what…

Who do you trust?

Today I invite you to think about trust. What does trust mean to you? Who do you trust and why? Who trusts you, and how does that feel in your body? Reposted from fellow organiser Gal Podjarny’s Blog. For more posts on writing, visit Gal’s site http://www.galpod.com


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